Friday, June 25, 2010

9 months old and other outdated news...

I missed my 9 month post so bear with me as I catch up. Miss K turned 9 months old on June 8th. Baby girl is getting so big and so independent. I posted the picture of her "walking" last week. She is also getting very interested in the stairs and climbed all the way to the top on Wednesday (Grammy was behind her the whole way). I guess it's time to get those baby gates back out again. Darn it! Miss Independent also doesn't really want to be fed anymore. She is becoming quite the self feeder. It makes mommy and daddy happy that they can stop buying over priced organic jar food. Woo hoo! She is still saying Ma Ma and Da Da. She is a tough little gal. Takes a lickin' from her big brother and just keeps on going. Sometimes she is startled by the unnecessary roughness, stops for a minute, let's out a small squeel and then just carries on. I love my girl!
I've been doing monthly photos of her in the same place since she was born. They get harder and harder to take as she just wants to take off, not sit still for her picture. SO...after 1 week of trying, this is the best we could do! The official 9 month photo:
Here are the 9 month stats:

Height: 28 1/4" (75 percentile)
Weight: 21lb 15oz (90 percentile)
Head: 17 1/4" (75 percentile)

She doesn't seem to be slowing down in size. Still my big girl. What, you mean every 9 month old is sporting 18-24 month clothes?

Since this blog is out of date and out of order, I'll just stick with it. We celebrated Father's Day last Sunday with breakfast with the family. Papa had a great idea to go to the restaurant at the Chandler airport. It was great, although we weren't the only one's who thought our toddler would enjoy watching the planes as they ate breakfast. Either way, great idea Papa! Here is Cole sitting in a plane that was for sale. I think it was $112,000. We asked Cole not to touch anything.
If you read our blog, you know I like to post pictures of the crazy outfits Cole wears and the crazy things that Cole does. Saturday morning was no exception. many things wrong with this. #1 - Where are your pants? #2 - Why are your underwear on backwards? #3 - We have sprinklers to do that job! I keep on in my quest to take a decent picture of my kids together. The latest attempt proves I'm no closer than I was the last time I tried. Boo. I love that Sis' head looks twice the size of Cole's here. Geesh...I think Cole needs to eat his Wheaties!

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