Friday, May 7, 2010

Like father, like son!

Cole is becoming such an independent little guy! He wants to help with everything and really wants to do things all on his own. He likes to announce, "I did it all by myself!"

In addition to independence, he also wants to be just like Daddy. Here he is on Saturday morning, shaving just like Daddy!

Between work and time with my dad I was away from the kids for 12 days. Wow -- never been gone that long! I am looking forward to a weekend together and to celebrating Mother's Day with family. It's really heating up down here...supposed to be almost 100 today. Ready or not, here comes summer.

For those following my dad: We got great news yesterday! They have identified 200 matches for his stem cell transplant and they have been given the official go ahead by insurance to get going with all the preparations. Probably sometime in June he will start the transplant process. One step closer...keep the prayers going please!

1 comment:

Kristi Kendall said...

That is an adorable pic of Cole! So cute how he wants to do everything all by himself and wants to be just like Daddy!!

That is fantastic news about your Dad!! Wow 200 matches is amazing!! Things are definitely starting to look up!