Thursday, March 11, 2010

We're still here...

My hope is to update the blog this weekend...but in the meantime, I thought I'd post that we are still here...barely!

First of all thank you to everyone that has called, emailed, texted and prayed for my dad. I am happy to report that he is feeling stronger each day...but still could have a battle ahead of him. You can keep up on his progress and Marcia's as well at

I owe a HUGE thank you to Amy for all her help during our emergency visit to Olympia a couple of weeks ago. There aren't many people in your life that you can call on, with just a few hours notice, and ask them to drop everything to help you. I am so thankful that I have friends that I can count on and know that I would do the same for them. Thank you Amy -- you were my angel that week (K misses you)!

Kenleigh turned 6 months on, where does the time go? She has her 6mo check up tomorrow, so I will update with her latest stats. You can count on her to be big and bigger. She's not slowing down yet!

With all the difficult things we are dealing with right now, a picture like this is in order. She just makes me smile...and I hope she makes you smile too. :)
More this weekend!


Karla said...

Can't wait to snuggle with your babies tonight! I'll give them a light dusting of "sleepy time" fairy dust so they sleep tonight...

Matt, Colleen, McKenzie and Ben said...

Thanks for the update... thinking of you, your Dad and Marcia - hang in there things will get better!